Let us help you build your business exit strategy so you get paid fair value for your successful company.
Unlock Transferable Value
Retain Talented People
Achieve Your Transaction Goals
Capture the full,
transferable value in
the sale of your business.
It’s not easy to navigate the exit planning process. Where do you start? Who will run the company and take on your roles? Where do you find a buyer capable of financing the transaction and leading your team? How do you know that you will get paid fair value? What happens if something unexpected derails your plans?
The answers to these questions are too important to leave to chance. A comprehensive exit strategy for small business requires a thoughtful approach and clear strategy. When you are prepared to answer these questions, then you are on track to achieving your exit goals.
The McFarland Group begins each planning process with a comprehensive assessment to determine your vision, understand your company and the resources available for your exit strategy, and to learn what your key employees and successors want for their contributions to the process. We determine what value your company can support and how to improve that value prior to the transaction, and we outline a clear set of objectives for everyone to understand and work towards. Your role, as the owner and leader of your company, is to make sure that the priorities outlined in your exit strategy are in alignment with your vision, and that your team is making progress towards and meeting your objectives. Our experience guiding business owners through the exit planning process allows you to see the big picture, to see waypoints met and objectives reached, and to be confident in the journey leading up to and including the transition of your ownership.
Learn more about the
transaction route
assessment process.
Identify opportunities to increase value.
In our experience, a business that relies heavily on the selling owner for client relationships, new business development, day-to-day operations, or any other responsibility to maintain ongoing success, is a business that has limited transferable value. Many successful business owners, especially as they begin planning their exit strategy, are transferring the roles and responsibilities that they consider to be no fun, draining, tedious, boring, unfulfilling, the list goes on… These people recognize that the more time they spend working in the business, the more reliance the business has on them for its ongoing success, the less likely they are going to be able to sell it, get paid, and walk away. As you prepare for your transition out of the day to day, consider roles and responsibilities that can be delegated to someone more capable, better suited, or that will enjoy the opportunity. This will free you up to focus on what really matters as you prepare your exit plan and the progress your team is making along the way. You will have the confidence that you are not leaving any value on the table if your team is able to perform all of your roles. Any responsibilities that are kept should be yours because you enjoy them, they energize you, or you are well suited to them.
Once you know what your route will look like, and what your role is in the planning process, you are freed up to focus on hitting target metrics, delivering on promises, and growing your company. It’s important to remember that growth is not just about growing top line revenue. At the end of the year, if you have no more distributable profits for your efforts, then something needs to change. A successful exit plan focuses you and your team on increasing revenue, reducing unnecessary burdens on cash flow, and creating opportunities to harvest profits distributions while you prepare for a transaction. The more cash flow your company can generate, the better your likelihood of a capable successor buying your ownership. test test
Learn more about the transaction journey.
Reach your transaction goals.
Your company valuation and your ownership value is only important if you also have an interested and capable buyer. Getting paid fair value requires readiness. For you to be ready, you need to know that the value you receive (after taxes) is sufficient to maintain your lifestyle for your lifetime and to accomplish your financial goals. For your company to be ready, you need to know that you are not obligated to personally guaranty any company debt and that you are not going to leave financial or operational uncertainty for your people. For your leadership team to be ready, you need to support their personal goals and incentivize them with meaningful rewards. When you have identified and prepared each of these, you will have significant transferable value and you will know exactly what a successful transaction means.
Of course, none of this really matters if a catastrophic event derails your plans. If you are like most business owners we work with, you know that unexpected events and their outcomes can disrupt and even destroy a company’s performance. Macroeconomic events, defecting key talent, the sudden and devastating death or disability of someone, the cascading impact of divorce, unprecedented weather events… you may find all of your progress dissolves in an instant. The McFarland Group knows how important contingency planning is in protecting your company and your family from these and other disruptive events. We look for planning inconsistencies that expose you to undesirable outcomes and create solutions that address and resolve these risks. We represent your company, your team, and you as we uncover and resolve concerns that could cause irreparable damage. We prepare you and your company so that if anything should happen, you are able to keep your promises, maintain the course, and achieve your goals. You should be confident that regardless of what happens, the outcome is in alignment with how it should be.
It is The McFarland Group’s mission to develop exit plans that meet and exceed our clients’ goals. We have spent countless hours navigating complex, industry-specific, and unique transaction journeys with our clients. We hope that you will trust us with your exit strategy and allow us to guide you to reach your planning goals.
Schedule a meeting.
Grow your business and get paid fair value.
Leverage time to maximize your company’s value.
Allow time to work for you. When you work with us, we guide you through the steps to take to manage the succession process, allowing you to make confident decisions. Watch your vision convert to year-over-year growth.
Prepare and reward your team to meet your goals.
Allow your team to work with you, not just for you. Let them in on your vision. Develop an incentive program that rewards employees for working hard and generating results.
Get paid fair value for your business.
Allow your team to take responsibility for the success of your company. Participate in the company’s profitability. When you are ready, you will know the steps to take to manage the succession process, sell to your team for fair value and get paid. We will show you how to do it.
Schedule an appointment now.
Why choose The McFarland Group as your guide?
The McFarland Group understands the challenges you face as a business owner, and the obstacles that can derail your plans.
We guide business owners of closely-held, mid-market businesses with strong leadership teams through our Succession Journey process.
We have transferred over $500MM in business value to management teams across the country.
Our clients begin by understanding the obstacles and risks on their Succession Routes and deciding how they want to navigate through to reach their goals. Our clients are aware of new or changing obstacles on their Succession Journeys and are prepared to capture opportunities as they arise.
Where do you start?
Map the route that achieves your vision.
- Know who is invested in your vision and goals.
- Determine the financial resources you need from your company to enjoy your lifestyle after the sale.
- Clarify when and how you will get paid.
Equip your company, your successor, and yourself for the journey.
- Bring in the right tools to motivate your team and reward them for reaching your goals.
- Prepare your successor to take on the ownership mindset and secure resources to buy you out.
- Make sure your professional advisors are ready to achieve your vision.
- See how close you are to reaching your goals.
Launch your journey with confidence.
- Be confident in your decisions and the path you choose.
- Focus on growing and running your company while we navigate obstacles and identify opportunities..
- Complete your journey knowing you’ve achieved your goals..
Designing a route and navigating your journey
Do you need a guide?
You lead a thriving business. You meet or exceed your goals time and time again. You built up a great team that works well together and embodies your company’s mission. You surround yourself with talented advisors who look out for your best interests. Besides, you don’t plan on selling control for at least five more years. What do you need a guide for?
First, we’d like you to contemplate your answers to a few of these questions:
Experienced, capable, and focused.
The McFarland Group asks the very specific and sometimes difficult questions necessary to understand exactly where you need to focus for your Succession Journey. Our experience allows us to cut through the noise and identify the obstacles in the way of your success. We understand that you deal with complexity every day, so we simplify the complexity that comes with preparing for the biggest transaction of your life. Our mission is to set you up to make confident decisions. Our focus is to understand the best possible outcomes for you, your stakeholders, and your company. We are single-mindedly dedicated to making sure you reach your goals.
When you hire us to clarify your Succession Route and guide your Succession Journey, you get the peace of mind that comes with knowing someone is looking out for your best interests. You understand how your advisors are working together to implement your plans. You know your team has a vested interest in achieving your goals, and that the rewards they receive are meaningful and significant to them. When you hire us for your succession planning consulting services, you know that your decisions are setting your team up for success, and setting you free to enjoy the benefits of a well-designed and successfully completed plan.
Schedule an appointment now.
Get paid for your company.
Keep your promises.
Leave your company in good hands.
Get paid fair value and enjoy the rewards of a comprehensive exit plan.